KA Services
Grant Research * Writing * Management
Economic Development
Environmental Consulting
Grant Services
KA offers comprehensive grant services which includes completing a needs assessment, research of viable federal, state and foundation grant opportunities, writing compelling grant narratives and providing post award grant management services.
KA will work with you to analyze your priority projects and identify grant opportunities for which you can compete. We will provide strategic advice and consulting services to shape a local project in accordance with federal, or state priorities for a particular grant program. We will also work with you to build and leverage relationships within federal and state agencies that can yield valuable information, and which may provide a competitive advantage.
KA Grant Services will also review and edit your draft grant application, and we will draft and secure Congressional letters of support.
KA personnel possess over 30 years’ experience writing grant applications and managing grant programs. We have managed federal grant projects funded from EPA, HUD, DOE, EDA, DOD, NOAA, NPS, DOT and the Department of Treasury. We want to be part of Your Grant’s Success Story!
Grant Peer Review
Each grant notice of funding opportunity announcement (FOA) specifies the review criteria and considerations in the evaluation of applications submitted. KA will review your application and offer comments and editorial suggestions that will better align the grant narrative to the review criteria. We will also identify sections of the narrative that require additional information and offer recommendations on where to obtain additional information.
Grant Writing
Grant issuing government agencies and foundations award grants to proposals that completely address the key elements of the FOA. Forms and project budgets must be completed and be well reasoned, and grant narratives must convincingly address selection criteria. During the grant writing process, KA will work with you to develop checklists and schedules so that we are organized to complete the application efficiently and comprehensively. We will draft the grant narrative and seek constant feedback and guidance. KA’s professionals have written successful grant proposals for most major federal agencies.
Grant Long-Range Planning
Grant Long Range Planning begins with identifying priorities and projects for which you will seek federal, state or foundation funding. KA has over 30 years’ experience working for and with local, state and federal agencies and we monitor daily grant FOAs released from state and federal agencies and foundations. In addition, KA professionals have developed expert practice areas for several federal agencies including EPA, HUD, DOE, DOI, EDA, DOD, NOAA, NPS, DOT and the Department of Treasury.
As part of Grant Long-Range Planning KA will complete a Needs Assessment of your priority projects and identify appropriate grant opportunities for which you can compete. This analysis will produce a Grant Funding Guide which will include relevant information on grant match requirements, an estimated timeline for release of funds, an assessment of the complexity and competitiveness of the grant program, and other program specific information required to prioritize funding opportunities. KA will then work with you to strategically develop your project proposal to ensure it comprehensively addresses grant eligibility criteria and is positioned to be highly competitive.
Environmental Consulting Services
KA’s Karl Kalbacher, PG, is nationally recognized in the Environmental Consulting and Brownfield Redevelopment field. He possesses over 30 years’ experience developing and managing State Superfund programs and local Brownfield programs, and has extensive experience representing both private and public sector clients in advising, acquiring, cleaning-up and redeveloping environmentally impaired properties. Let Karl help you to effectively navigate both the State and Federal regulatory and legal process and local approval processes including rezonings, subdivisions, permitting and financing.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Studies (CX, EA, EIS)
Federal agencies are required to assess the environmental effects on proposed actions prior to making decisions. The range of actions covered under NEPA is broad and includes permit applications, land management, and construction projects. KA possesses decades of experience preparing NEPA Environmental Assessments and HUD Environmental Review Records for local governments seeking federal grant funds for construction projects.
Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
The Phase I ESA report is routinely prepared for a real estate holding. The report details potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities.
The Phase I ESA is generally considered the first step in the environmental due diligence process. If a property is considered contaminated, a Phase II ESA may be conducted which entails sampling and laboratory testing of the soil, air, surface water, groundwater media and testing building materials such as asbestos tiles and insulation, mercury switches, and lead-based paint for hazardous substances.
KA’s Karl Kalbacher was selected by EPA to participate in the Negotiated Rule Making that produced the All-Appropriate Inquiry regulation on the conduct of Phase I ESAs. He possesses extensive experience completing both Phase I and Phase II ESAs and offers consulting services to municipal and private sector clients engaged in Federal or State Superfund site investigations and remediations.
Groundwater and Wellhead Protection Studies
KA’s Karl Kalbacher has been a Professional Geologist since 1993. He has prepared wellhead protection and groundwater recharge protection zones for state governments and has extensive experience leading groundwater supply and contamination investigations.
Superfund Site Consulting
KA possesses extensive experience in solid and hazardous waste site management, investigation and remediation for public and private sector clients. KA’s experience includes managing over 500 hazardous substance release and nuclear waste site investigations and remediations in the states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, New York, Florida, and North Carolina.
Expert Witness Testimony
KA offers Expert Witness services for hazardous waste site disputes and land application of sludge cases.
Economic Development Services
KA offers Economic Development Services that support business retention, expansion, and attraction and which fosters entrepreneurship and small business development. These services are offered separately or in coordination with preparing a federal, state or foundation grant application.
KA services include leading a strategic planning process that details actions local governments can take to stimulate economic growth and development in their community and region. KA will also provide technical support on major development projects, and we will draft local tax incentive ordinances and policies that support business investment.
Economic and Demographic Analysis (EDA)
KA offers to municipalities an Economic and Demographic Analysis Report which integrates current demographic conditions with an economic analysis of businesses and industries. The report includes an Industry Cluster Analysis which determines the geographic concentration of interrelated competitive businesses with sufficient size to generate external economies. Industries that are part of clusters have developed buyer-supplier relationships, share labor pools, draw qualified workers from area institutions of higher education, and are located near each other.
The EDA Report includes recommendations to support local economic development projects and initiatives and KA will also develop a list and description of viable state and federal grant funding opportunities that support economic development.
Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA)
KA possesses extensive experience preparing US DOT Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) reports for the BUILD, INFRA, CRISI, ROUTES, CARSI, SOGR, and PID grant programs. The BCA is a systematic process for identifying, quantifying, and comparing expected benefits and costs of a potential infrastructure project. The BCA provides estimates of the anticipated benefits that are expected to accrue from a project over a specified period and compares them to the anticipated costs of the project.
Since 2018, KA personnel have worked with local governments to secure nine US DOT infrastructure grant awards totaling over $115 million.
Comprehensive Land Use Planning
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan, also known as a General Plan, Master Plan, or Land Use Plan is designed to guide the future actions of a community. It presents a vision for the future with long-range goals and objectives for all activities that affect a local government and community. The Comprehensive Plan includes guidance on how a local government may make decisions on public and private land development proposals, the expenditure of public funds, tax policy, tax incentives, cooperative efforts with other state and local governments, and issues of pressing concern.
KA economic development services include preparing Comprehensive Land Use Plans for communities. The Comprehensive Plan document includes a complete socio-demographic analysis of your community and an analysis of current economic conditions and drivers. The Plan will also identify areas targeted for new development and redevelopment and offer recommendations on the development and management of physical growth to ensure adequate infrastructure and services are provided to achieve a common vision for the future.
Proposed Zoning Districts for the Town of Ashford, NY Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Fiscal Impact Analysis
KA helps governments consider the potential municipal net revenue benefits from land use plans and entitlements. Our fiscal impact models estimate tax and other public revenues generated from new development, as well as the cost of public services required to serve a new development.
US Department of Transportation and EPA Loan Programs
KA will prepare both US DOT Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (“RRIF”) and the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998 (“TIFIA”) credit, and EPA Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program applications. These programs provide credit assistance for qualified transportation or water projects of regional and national significance.
Many large-scale, surface transportation projects - highway, transit, railroad, intermodal freight, and port access - are eligible for RRIF and TIFIA assistance. WIFIA will fund both Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act projects and enhanced energy efficiency projects, desalination, aquifer recharge, and water recycling projects.
HUD Consolidated Plan (CP)
KA is experienced at preparing HUD Consolidated Plans (CP) for local jurisdictions. The CP assesses a local government’s affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions. KA will prepare the CP report in compliance with HUD regulation and guidance for entitlement communities and include community derived data and place-based investment recommendations.