Port St. Joe, FL Secures $9.96 million CDBG-DR Award!

On May 6, 2021, Governor Ron Desantis (FL) announced that the City of Port St. Joe, FL will recieve $9.96 million in US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant funds to repair sanitary sewer lines and facilities that were severely damaged from Hurricane Michael in 2018.

The Rebuild Florida General Infrastructure Repair Program is designed to provide funding for local governments to strategically rebuild and harden infrastructure in order to prevent or reduce losses from future disasters.

Michael hit the Gulf Coast 25 miles east of Panama City on Oct. 10, 2018, as a Category 5 storm, the first such storm to strike the U.S. mainland since Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

The storm killed 74 people and caused $25.5 billion in damage.

I was pleased to work with Dewberry Engineers and City officials to prepare the winning grant application to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FL DEO) that will offer the promise to the citizens of Port St. Joe of a new start following the devastation caused from Hurricane Michael.

Karl Kalbacher

Karl Kalbacher is President of Kalbacher Associates (KA) and directly manages the highly successful Grant Practice Group. Karl’s grant experience is significant, having successfully secured funding from USDOT, DOJ, DOI, DOC, DOE, DOD, DOL, HUD, DHS, USDA, and EPA.

Since 2015, KA has secured over $1.160 billion in federal grants and below-market fixed-rate loans for clients in the areas of infrastructure, economic development, energy, hazard mitigation, housing, environmental protection, and transportation.

Karl is a leading expert in areas of environmental regulatory compliance and economic development policy and practice. A nationally recognized Brownfields redevelopment expert, Karl is a Professional Geologist who has developed and managed environmental cooperative agreements and finance programs at both the state and local levels. Karl has extensive experience managing economic development programs and energy conservation sustainability projects and has a proven record of securing state and federal grants.


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