Kalbacher Associates Prepares 2024 California Energy Commission - Charging Infrastructure for Government Fleets Winning Grant for the Port of Long Beach and City of Long Beach

Kalbacher Associates is pleased to announce that the City of Long Beach and Port of Long Beach joint application to the California Energy Commission - Charging Infrastructure for Government Fleets grant program has been awarded $3.3 million.   Grant funds will support electrification of thier government fleets by providing reliable and readily accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure. These governments will purchase and install 60 Level 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations and 18 Level 3 DC Fast Chargers, for a total of 120 Level 2 ports and 18 Level 3 DC ports.  The total project cost is $8,303,619.

In 2024, Kalbacher Associates has prepared four winning grant applications for energy clients totaling $520.795 million in US Department of Energy or state energy grant funds. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to develop a winning energy grant application.

Karl Kalbacher

Karl Kalbacher is President of Kalbacher Associates (KA) and directly manages the highly successful Grant Practice Group. Karl’s grant experience is significant, having successfully secured funding from USDOT, DOJ, DOI, DOC, DOE, DOD, DOL, HUD, DHS, USDA, and EPA.

Since 2015, KA has secured over $1.160 billion in federal grants and below-market fixed-rate loans for clients in the areas of infrastructure, economic development, energy, hazard mitigation, housing, environmental protection, and transportation.

Karl is a leading expert in areas of environmental regulatory compliance and economic development policy and practice. A nationally recognized Brownfields redevelopment expert, Karl is a Professional Geologist who has developed and managed environmental cooperative agreements and finance programs at both the state and local levels. Karl has extensive experience managing economic development programs and energy conservation sustainability projects and has a proven record of securing state and federal grants.


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